
My Attempt To Learn Vulkan & Game Engines


First Steps

First TriangleDifferent PipelinesWith Vertex Buffer

Here Here is the GitHub Repository Link


This is one of my beginning Vulkan projects. It was amazing learning this stuff because my progress was clearly visible.

Learning :

Bhayankar was my attempt to make something from Vulkan C API. “Bhayankar” is a Hindi word which in English means “Dangerous”. In the pursuit, I learned various concepts like how Vulkan is different from other Computer Graphics APIs and why is it fast. I also came across an awesome 2011 blog series that helped me in understanding the intrinsics of GPU.


Again this was stopped because of my entrance exam preparations. At this point I was learning how to setup project using CMake and GitHub.

Siddharth Mishra
Siddharth Mishra
Computer Science Enthusiast

Building and breaking into systems to learn them inside out!
