Snake AI

A Simple AI To Play Snake Game

Link :

Description :

This project was inspired by Code Bullet’s video on making a Snake AI. I found the idea interesting so I gave it a try. I used SFML for rendering graphics and Q-Learning (Reinforcement Learning) based approach to train the AI. The code was written from scratch. This was a nice challenge as at that time I was beginning to learn concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Learning :

SnakeAI taught me how Reinforcement Learning works (especially Q-Learning) and how to create small games. It taught me concepts related to Computer Graphics like difference between textures and sprites etc…

Comments :

I would say that the “me” who was working on this project is a noob as compared to what I know now. You won’t find the source code anywhere because I didn’t know how to use GitHub then. I uploaded it on my google drive. I’ll make a post on how to code it and also upload the original source code. I was working on this project as my personal interest but coincidentally this was also my project in my school’s science exhibition. It is likely that I’ll improve the code and add more features like using Neural Networks.

Siddharth Mishra
Siddharth Mishra
Computer Science Enthusiast

Building and breaking into systems to learn them inside out!
