A Small Hobbyist Game Engine

I made this project while learning Vulkan. My goal was to make a MineCraft clone like what Hopson did using OpenGL.Vulkan is a modern graphics api written from sratch. It’s also faster than many other graphics APIs like OpenGL. I closely followed VkGuide by V. Blanco and Vulkan-Tutorial by Alexander Overvoorde while working on this project. I stopped working on this project again due to my college entrance exams.
Learning :
GameZero taught me how game engines work. The Vulkan C++ API, more C++ data structures etc… It also also taught me how to organize a project with CMake and using git submodules in a better way. I learned what is CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern), I learned what is Semantic Compression and many other stuffs.
Comments :
I don’t plan to continue this further but instead write a similar one from scratch. I am trying to make a game engine and in that pursuit I learn a lot. That is what my main focus is when I’m taking such big projects (like this one!). Most of my learning was like this : I took a challenge that I’ll make this and then I try and fail/succeed. In both cases there is a win-win situation.